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Pineapple: A Bittersweet Revenge – Surving Highschool

Highschool is a hard time for any teenager. Pineapple: A Bittersweet Revenge takes a Reddit story about a highschooler and brings it to life. This story is one of revenge, of getting back at your bully, and about standing up for yourself — but done in a hilarious way.

Pineapple: A Bittersweet Revenge is a story-driven puzzle game where you play as a teenager who has a pretty bad bully. This bully has made their life quite miserable, by targeting and picking on them for months, so now it’s time for revenge. You will need to look through your journal, collect information on your bully’s day to day life, and use it to hide pineapples throughout their normal route. 

Pineapples do seem like a bit of a strange way to gain any sort of revenge, but in Pineapple: A Bittersweet Revenge, that pineapple becomes a non-threatening way for you to show that you are there. As much as they picked on you, it’s very strange for their spaces to be invaded by pineapples, and nobody else at your school seems to even entertain that someone is placing pineapples all over their spaces!

Pineapple: A Bittersweet Revenge has a variety of different puzzles from trying to sneak pack students to throwing balls at very specific angles to distract dogs. These mini-games do a good job of breaking up the story and giving you fun interactions that you need to master before getting back into the wild ride of pranking with pineapples. It’s a silly story, a harmless one, that has a lot of fun moments and relatable bits of story.

I got the chance to play Pineapple: A Bittersweet Revenge at GDC this year, however you can wishlist the game on Steam ahead of its release.

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