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Dog Man Flip-O-Rama is ‘match the comic strip’ themed snap

For my daughter it’s become Dog Man day everyday. She’s got all the books and we recently completed the videogame. There’s big hype for the upcoming movie, and, now, we’ve been playing the Dog Man board games, starting with Dog Man Flip-O-Rama.

Dog Man Flip-O-Rama is incredibly easy to set up and play, perhaps one of the easiest board games out there. There’s no reading required when it comes to the playing, and its essentially Snap adjacent, with the game requiring a whisper of recall and decent reflexes.

To play you’ll shuffle up the deck of cards, place them in a facedown pile in the middle and then slide the included bell into the middle of the playing space. The youngest player then draws a card and places it on the table near the bell and deck, players then take turns placing new cards near (but never overlapping) the existing group of cards. Play continues this way until an comic panel appears that is from the same strip as another card already in play.

Now, at this point the first player to ring the bell gets to take both cards into their hands, and this is how it continues until all of the cards are gone (with players surrendering a card to another player if they ring erroneously). You see what I mean by it being simple?

The most interesting thing here is how well it leans into the license. I said that the comic panel pairs are from the same strips, and that’s what really makes it stand out. Yes, Dog Man Flip-O-Rama‘s artwork is from the Dog Man creator, and features the characters, but the ‘pairs’ aren’t identical pairs, they’re images from the same stories. This means that you’ll be looking for panes that contain the same characters completing actions on the same background, and that’s where a lot of the fun comes in.

That punishment, giving a card to another player, turns up quite a bit as people accidentally hit the bell after seeing two cards with the same background colour, or two cards that both feature Dog Man and Cat Kid; but with them not completing the action. This is where Robin, my youngest daughter, stood ahead of us as she knew the lesser-used characters (living hot dogs, the alive tree and the buildings) and so was quicker to spot the pairings, especially after a game of it.

Dog Man Flip-O-Rama is a wholly inoffensive evolution of Snap that younger fans of the comics (and, in time, movie) will enjoy; but it definitely won’t hold the attention of an older audience.

Dog Man Flip-O-Rama is available now from Amazon.

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