Spin Master League of Legends are here to impress
League of Legends figures from Spin Master certainly keep the kids entertained!
I’m not hugely familiar with League of Legends series from Riot Games. Whilst the characters, world, and gameplay are certainly of interest, it looks like a fairly impenetrable game for a newcomer due to the largely experienced and committed fanbase. As I say though, the characters seem really quite interesting in both design and variety, across numerous species, genders, and classes. Whilst I might not be prepared to jump into game itself, I’m interested in the world and those that reside within it, which is why I’m going to be enjoying the Netflix series based on the game, and also why I’m more than happy to have been sent a number of figures from the League of Legends range made by Spin Master.
Spin Master is likely a name you’re aware of if you’re into board games or action figures at all. They’ve begun releasing different action figures based on this game series, with a few available now, and more to come in the future. I’ve been lucky enough to get a set of five 4-inch figures, as well as a pair of 6-inch figures based on a few of these characters, and there are some really good pieces here.

First off, the smaller “Core” set of five pieces — each of which can be purchased separately — which contains Caitlyn, Ekko, Vi, Heimerdinger, and Jinx. Each of these pieces are articulated in multiple places, allowing for all manner of poses to be achieved when standing on their bases, and most of them come with a prop, such as a weapon, to add greater variety. I found the positioning of them using those joints to be a little fiddly, and the weapons didn’t always stay in their hands perfectly, but with enough persistence I managed to get these pieces looking pretty good on those stands. And I do really do mean they look good, with lots of small details that stand out really nicely thanks to the bright colours. They certainly aren’t cheap looking.
Of course, being a dad, it didn’t take long for my youngsters to get their hands on them. Even though the packages say 12+ for the age on them, my two had no trouble positioning them — they found it easier than I did! — and having them fight each other. This of course resulted in me having to recover some of those weapons as they slid under the sofa, but finding tiny lost toys is about 30% of parenting. Once they’ve gone to bed though, these pieces are happily displayed on the TV stand, and I absolutely intend on keeping these in good condition.

But these are nothing compared to the main event that is the two 6-inch “Champion” pieces I received: Zed and Thresh. These are considerably larger and more detailed, with a greater array of poses possible thanks to more joints on the figures, and they look fantastic. Zed comes with a pair of arm blades and shuriken that can be individually adjusted and removed. The larger base is much more reliable then the smaller counterparts and I had a much easier time getting him into poses that I was happy with. He and Thresh will be staying comfortably out of reach of little hands.
Speaking of Thresh, he is absolutely the star of the show right now. The chain, scythe, and lantern add all manner of possibilities for poses and positioning, and the green glow effect against the mostly black robes make him look dynamic without a great deal of effort being put into those poses. The robes themselves have a nice feel to them and have enough give in them to allow you to move him around without fear of damage coming to him — which is a positive I can assign to pretty much all these pieces.

These pieces are all tremendous quality, with the two larger ones being an absolute standout. Whilst I’m not a fan of League of Legends as such, I am a fan of cool looking figures, and these sets certainly fit the bill so I’m going to be keeping an eye out for those larger pieces in particular as more are released.
Spin Master’s League of Legends range is available now from a variety of online retailers.
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